This week's tip is brought to you by our very own team member Alfredo. When he is not making bath bombs and shower steamers he is at home gardening. Read what he has to say about talking with plants and why doing so might help you get Zen.
My grandma always said that if you want a beautiful garden, then you have to talk with your plants. Many, many, many years later I found this to be true. She forgot to mention the greater benefit of talking to your plants. Talk with your plants to help you feel Zen and present in the moment too! Like some of you, I've started a vegetable garden this season, and let me tell you that caring for my plants helps me feel more Zen and recharged by being around them and caring for them.
In the morning, as the Sun comes up to get in a peaceful frame of mind, I'll put on some relaxing music, light some incense, spray myself down with our natural bug spray, and go outside to water my plants- It is summer after all and I need extra bug protection this time of year.
I do this so I can tune in better. It's like the world around me has slowed down and I can see things more clearly. For me at this moment, it's about tuning in to something that can't talk but is constantly sending me feedback. Letting me know which stems to cut or how much to water. Which is needed for them to grow strong.
"I literally cheer for them!"
To recharge in the afternoon, I go outside for a visit and feel that they come alive! It's like they were waiting for me all day. I easily get mesmerized by the beauty of their leaves and vines. I'll follow them up and around to see where they go often leading me to the root. Pruning this or that or watering their roots- I feel more grounded. It must be a plant thing that helps us feel more grounded.
A life hack to feel cheery, I literally cheer for them! When they put on new growth and when the buds start to bloom and turn to fruit, I cheer for them. I feel better for spreading positive energy to the plants and the plants perform better! It may sound ridiculous, but I encourage everyone to give it a try. You may find that they are cheering for you too! My grandma was right when she recommended that I talk with plants to get a beautiful garden. I think today, she would add that, it's good for you too!
After a long day of gardening, all I want to do is relax my legs with a nice soak in the tub. I love the Aloe Infused Sea Salts for that reason. I recommend the Lemongrass Mix for some herbal freshness. They are great on my body and extra good on my soles.